Sunday, February 16, 2014

What Is Digital Literacy?

''What is digital literacy??'' This is a type of question you don't usually hear much. So what is it then? digital literacy is the ability to navigate through the internet in a safe way and in a responsible way. So why this question? Well, people in the world need to know about digital literacy because it can impact their life on the internet and it can as well impact those around you. What I would want to learn about digital literacy is that what percentage of people in the world know about digital literacy or even practice it. Digital literacy is an important skill set for life because it helps someone to be responsible on the internet in all sorts of different categories like social media, researching for a project or for something, and talking or chatting over the internet to a friend, family member, or even a stranger etc. People in the world need to know how to use the internet as a mature citizen and that is why they need this skill of digital literacy to do just that. The Internet is where people can write about their ideas or emails, talk to other people, or even spread the word about something they are promoting or something that they just want to spread the word about. The Internet is a powerful tool for mankind to use, but it has its advantages and disadvantages. It's advantages are that people can do just about anything and I mean ''everything'' anything, watch movies instantly, learn about new skills, read books online or digitally, have school textbooks online, or even chat to people all across the world. It's disadvantages are like the stuff you post online can be either seen by people that you don't know and maybe the stuff that you are posting can mean the wrong way to some people. You can do pretty much anything online and even now people in the world is moving from a world of paper and pencils or pens to a digital world of new learning. Back then books would be a privilege to have because not many people can read or write. The literacy rates were not that high, but as the world moves through many centuries things started to change. Books was not a privilege anymore and the literacy rates are going up throughout the world. Technology is a privilege to the world when it was first discovered because it was too expensive many people in the world right now in different countries don't even have Internet or even any digital items like computers or tablets. The world right now is moving on, so that those people from those countries can have what we have in the United States like technology and other stuff. We need to be grateful for what we have as people that live in the United States and that includes our abilities to read and write and our abilities to use digital items and be an expert in digital literacy. Digital Literacy is more than just knowing how to send emails or fix a problem on the computer or electronic devices, it's more of the knowledge of knowing how to use the web responsively for various purposes. This skill would be essential for success for businesses or for students in high school and newly graduated young adults who are continuing their journey of education and for their new life ahead with technology. The goal of digital literacy is to teach people digital skills and prepare them for colleges and careers. This information can be found in this article: What is Digital Literacy?

1 comment:

  1. Digital literacy is becoming more important as more things require the use of technology. It is convenient in some ways but we have to know how to use it wisely.
