Sunday, April 13, 2014

The Future of Technology and You

Well, technology has changed a lot since and during my time and it will continue to change throughout history. Technology way back then was just some inventions that helps people live their daily lives like the first telephone for communications between people or first typewriter to write letters and other sort of things instead of using paper and pencil or ink. Some of the inventions of technology in my time were different versions of the iphones, ipads, tablets, and computers. People have made different versions because they are trying to make it more advanced and easier to use. As time rolls by, different software and chips came out and some were used in the development of different version of devices. A lot of people back then think that the first telephone or the first moving picture camera was so cool and think that it could not get better than that, well they are wrong, it DID get WAY better. The phones were becoming smarter and faster. The ipads and tablets were becoming lighter and more manageable. The computers were becoming faster, easier to use, new software added, and more memory storage and data. Some people think that as soon as different versions came out, the older versions are junk, but they are still great products that can be used in other ways. When I was growing up in Vietnam, my family and I did not have a computer of our own or phones like now in the United States. We had hand phones that have those wires that needs an outlet to plug it into for it to be able to work. Whenever my family would visit my uncle and aunt's house, we would see a computer for the first time, since back then who ever was able to afford a car or technology can buy one, but who ever can not afford it, can't buy anything fancy and expensive. I learned in all of my history classes, TVs were in black in white back then if your family was able to afford it, and it was the top thing then. Many people want to get their hands on it since it was the ¨big¨ thing like the smart phones for us. Before the first telephone was invented, nobody knew what a cell phone is or let alone a smartphone that we all know and love. Technology is changing by software and by price. Like I said before, technology back in my time was very expensive and hard to buy it and work it properly. Some computers and cameras cost more than renting rooms now in a hotel in the U.S. Now computers and cameras ranges from $50-$9000, depending on its software and features. Technology has made everyone's lives way better and it is still continue to be used to make new things. Cars in our time right now are limited to have GPS and back up cameras as some bonus features, but that will soon be changed and be mandatory for all cars. Many new features will be changed to additional features for some additional prices, but the GPSs and back up cameras will be mandatory soon. Some cars now have doors that open upward instead of outward, and that is technology that enables for those types of cars to do that. Right now, I use technology everyday in my daily life, for home and for school, people should be grateful for whatever type of technology they have even if it is the first telephone or a typewriter. Those inventions got us started to create new ones and because of all those smart inventors back then, we were able to get the idea to create more and better technology for future generations.

Friday, April 4, 2014

Cyber Bullying Advice

Dear Cyber bullied Victims,

I have learned so much about cyber bullying and how it can ruin someone's life within days. This letter is mainly for those people who has experienced or has been a victim of cyber bullying. You need to know this and understand that I have your back and everyone else around you and the world has your back. You are not alone, many people has been a victim to cyber bullying. Cyber bullies has the advantages of the technology of today, but you have the power of the people around you and the bullies just have themselves and their technology. Usually bullies bully other people either because they are jealous for some reason or it just makes them feel good and better when seeing others suffer. That is not right! Bullies should be normal people and just be themselves and interact with people instead of making fun of others online via, social medias such as emails, texts, Facebook, twitter, etc. These social medias sites are like ''gaming rooms'' for the bullies to ''play and have fun in'' type of room. These sites have various tools and opportunities for the bullies to use and take advantage of. Some way to try to avoid being cyber bullied on social media is to not accept any friend requests or any requests that you are unfamiliar with and be smart about who you talk to and hang out. Usually cyber bullies could most likely be your friend. That may sound wrong, but some results shows that it could likely be your friend and even in some cases, your best friend or it could be a total stranger. Those cyber bullies will tend and most likely use fake identities to remain incognito and anonymous. They do this because they think that if they use a different name than their own, they won't get caught. Well, that's where they are wrong! People can still track their computer's IP address and other information that they can't hide by just using a different name. They can never REALLY hide themselves from anyone, sooner or later they will be discovered. Most teens out there are willing to take a stand for this type of abuse, because it can really take a toll on someone's life and the emotions of those people around them. You have the power to ignore the cyber bully by blocking them and saving the evidence such as the messages and files for further search of who it might be. You can also take time off of the computer and just ignore it for a while. Talk to an adult or someone you trust about the issue because most definitely, they will help you or find someone who can help you. Don't shut yourself out and be open so that people will know and give you a hand in the matter. Be brave and have courage in yourself that you can beat the bully without any violence to yourself or to anyone. Those bullies have nothing that you want and again all they want is to make themselves feel better by seeing others suffer. Have faith in those that are trying to help you and again be open to them, tell them about it and not let it build up inside until it creates a storm that can't be stopped. Be confident, and stand up for what is right!

Your friend/supporter,
